Three Shopping Center Hams

In Africa, photographing a child at play is less about the perfect composition. It’s more about surviving the whirlwind of energy that comes with it. You quickly learn that the real work isn’t in setting up the shot, but in dodging dust, outgunning sudden sprints, and trying to keep up with the child’s unrelenting curiosity. Yet, amidst the chaos, there’s an unspoken camaraderie, an unspoken connection where the child becomes the unchallenged star on their newfound stage.

With every giggle and glance, you realize that you’re not just capturing an image, but enjoying a wonderful moment in time that belongs entirely to the child. And in those brief seconds when the subject pauses, to check if you are still keeping up and paying attention, it’s clear that this is what photography is all about. You realize it’s about capturing a fleeting moment in time that is all to its own, never to be repeated again.


My Zo and Our Ivy


My Bandanna Girl