Victoria | Australia - The Great Ocean Road

I believe that a big piece of Heaven has fallen onto earth here.  God has certainly kissed this land a couple times over.  From the rolling countryside that's home to peaceful, serene dairy farms to the majestic coast, it is truly a photographers paradise. In traveling to the Great Otway coastline I detoured numerous times, it was just impossible not to go sidebar and explore all of the visual temptations cast about.  None of the sideline excursions would prepare me for what lay in store at the Twelve Apostles shoreline, however.  Not even my beloved Grand Portal Point at Pictured Rocks Lakeshore can compare, it is that majestic.  I had seen images of The Razorback at Loc Ard Gorge and the towering columns before I arrived, but it wasn't until I completely stopped, sat down, and put everything else aside did I learn how to appreciate them.  I had to close both the shutter and my eyes.  I needed to simply listen.  Not for a brief moment either, but for a long and solitary period of time.  The roar of the wind tunneling between the cliffs and the boom of the waves pounding the footings was so very powerfully astounding.  It's moments like these that humble me, and remind me just how powerful God is and how small I am in His plan.  I am somewhat ashamed to say that the times I truly feel God's presence are in solitary moments surrounded with what He's created.  He is an artist indeed.


The Seguin Plateau, Haiti


Valencia, Spain