10 Things That Scare Me

For a while now I’ve been enjoying a Podcast titled, “10 Things That Scare Me.” It’s kick ass, always original from episode to episode. The recipe is simple: people from different walks of life and experiences are asked to rattle off their top 10 items that scare them. Often there’s a recognizable celebrity sharing their inner fears, but mostly it’s just average low-key, common Joe people. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a few creepy items that have chilled me to the bones that most likely stem from some deep seated childhood trauma like the cancellation of Speed Racer or Evel Knievel’s failed attempt to jump the Snake River Canyon. And so, without further ado, I offer my personal Top 10.

  1. Skeletons sneaking up on me while fetching Dad a bottle of Pepsi from our dark kitchen.

  2. The use of more than three fonts in a single layout.

  3. Square dancing alone.

  4. The Exorcist 1.

  5. Hillbillies with a grudge.

  6. Just square dancing, actually.

  7. The undertaker from Burnt Offerings, busting into my bedroom pushing a casket like he did to poor ole Bette Davis. That scene has stuck with me forever.

  8. A blackberry seed stuck on my molar. Forever.

  9. Did I say The Exorcist 1?

  10. And finally… falling to my death in front of Jessica Lang and breaking her heart, exactly like King Kong did in 1976.


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